Friday, July 17, 2009

this doesnt seem to be working out...

We wanted this blog to be an interesting fun web page upon which the reader could always be entertained and updated daily but its seems that under the circumstances (both of us are lazy) this blogger will be on an extended hiatus. We love the miscellaneous comments but maybe this just wasn't such a good idea. Maybe you'll hear from us in the near future?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

American Apparel: Factory Flea Market this weekend!

Someone please take me. Everything sold is less than 15 dollars! There is going to be tacos, ice cream, fruit & food sold from the green truck. Music provided by VIVA Radio. Click here for the line up. Cash and Credit Card accepted. Quite the event if you ask me. I mean any american apparel shopper would die to go. The pictures kinda hard to see but uhm heres a better picture of the inventory prices:

(yes I stretched it in paint. excuse the quality)

Anyways be there or be square~!@#$%^

(Hopefully me and Paige can go)

xx Joe

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Okay... this post is basically a post to give Fred Flare the credibility it deserves. This website store has numerous knick-knacks that are the coolest and I am surprised that in my like 2 years of knowing it existed not a single person I ask truly knows what it is. (Besides my firends of course.) A lot of their things are sold at urban outfitters as well. Which pisses me off because people then think URBAN OUTFITTERS made them and not Fred Flare. Anyway the perfect example of a FF item is the hamburger phone that you can see in the film Juno.

Here are some other interesting items sold at Fred Flare:

typography soap
buttered toast wallet
USB tulip hub
ice cream lamp
giant earbud speakers

Did I mention they also sell clothes? Im tired of talking about it though. GO TO FREDFLARE.COM AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. K thanks bye.

xx joe