Friday, July 17, 2009

this doesnt seem to be working out...

We wanted this blog to be an interesting fun web page upon which the reader could always be entertained and updated daily but its seems that under the circumstances (both of us are lazy) this blogger will be on an extended hiatus. We love the miscellaneous comments but maybe this just wasn't such a good idea. Maybe you'll hear from us in the near future?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

American Apparel: Factory Flea Market this weekend!

Someone please take me. Everything sold is less than 15 dollars! There is going to be tacos, ice cream, fruit & food sold from the green truck. Music provided by VIVA Radio. Click here for the line up. Cash and Credit Card accepted. Quite the event if you ask me. I mean any american apparel shopper would die to go. The pictures kinda hard to see but uhm heres a better picture of the inventory prices:

(yes I stretched it in paint. excuse the quality)

Anyways be there or be square~!@#$%^

(Hopefully me and Paige can go)

xx Joe

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Okay... this post is basically a post to give Fred Flare the credibility it deserves. This website store has numerous knick-knacks that are the coolest and I am surprised that in my like 2 years of knowing it existed not a single person I ask truly knows what it is. (Besides my firends of course.) A lot of their things are sold at urban outfitters as well. Which pisses me off because people then think URBAN OUTFITTERS made them and not Fred Flare. Anyway the perfect example of a FF item is the hamburger phone that you can see in the film Juno.

Here are some other interesting items sold at Fred Flare:

typography soap
buttered toast wallet
USB tulip hub
ice cream lamp
giant earbud speakers

Did I mention they also sell clothes? Im tired of talking about it though. GO TO FREDFLARE.COM AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. K thanks bye.

xx joe

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Random Runway Post From:

Tim Hamilton Spring 2010 Menswear

These shoes remind me of psyduck :D

Photos from

xx joe

Monday, June 29, 2009


Im not one of those like "fashiony" people but I have to admit... I love Rei Kawakubo. I have been constantly attracted to her menswear for comme des garcons. Here are pictures of cdg menswear both spring and fall since 2005.

Quite inspiring if you ask me. I wish I could go somewhere and just wear all these outfits without being rediculed. One day... tt4n joe

Monday, May 4, 2009

fml fml fml fml fml fml

no not the website forum, just to my life in general... Yesterday i spilled orange soda on my BRAND NEW NETBOOK of merely 1MONTH and now it refuses to work -_- i got into a fight with the dell customer rep. about my warranty, i tripped and almost fell down a flight of stairs, i am currently on the border of failing mathematics class and just now i realized that i have lost a picture of one of my favorite outfits! and no oooobviously not of me (im not conceited or anything). It was of this one girl. She was in a FRUiTS magazine. yeah yeah im sure you've all heard of it (you know japanese street style books and magazines?) anyway i lost it. I have searched and searched and searched for it on the web and no positive outcome yet. Her outfit is quite simple yet still very eccentric. Shes wearing brown trousers and like a HUGE baggy yellow cardigan. She has like a short "pixie" style haircut and its hidden under like an olde golf hat. I think that that picture was the picture thatinspired me to get a yellow cardigan in the first place... but blah i could just buy the book because i know exactly which one the picture is in but i don know. Positive outcomes of buying the book: 1) its only like 13 bucks on 2) i could find numerous inspirational pics and 3) i would find my little missing asian maiden. Anyway if you know what i am talking about and for some strange coincidence just happen to have it please send it to me. much will be appreciated because i think it would be easier just to find it rather than buying the entire booklet thingy. well this post is getting quite lengthy so uhh bye?
"random-yet-very-relevant" image below:

heres a picture of me with my yellow cardigan:
pkay goodbye for now yall

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

random image from "hint more product"

Im liking these "3/4 Length Pants". I am not too sure why though... they defeat the purpose of "normal Pants" but then again... what is normal?!?!?!?!? I like em very much so. Now if only I could find a pair of these bad boyzz for cheap. I searched on ebay and all I found were these:

LOL uhhh NoBuEnO... I guess I could just like get a pair of old skinnys & cut them but Idk it seems like a lotta work. I am never doing anything truely productive so maybe I should....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nylon Heart Nike

Nylon Mag has teamed up with the God of all shoe brands , Nike , to create these fabulous high top dunks ! You can check them out in Nylon's April issue ( Happy 10th Anniversary , bitches(; ) You 'll be able to rock these in June when they 're released for sale.

These bad boyz come in orange, green, pink, yellow and blue as pictured above. I 'm not one for hot pink shoes but those are bad ass ! Joe and I certainly dig the blue ones(;

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Everyones heard of Cheap Monday Jeans. Great fit, reasonable price, cool logo. But did anyone really care about the label aside from the jeans? Well Heres some pics of thee sunglasses.

Expect the "wayfarer-y" look but my personal favorite are these:

"Lennon / Harry Potter" Style Cheap Monday Sunglasses. I mean COME ON not to mention they're only 25 bucks... Im down to buy themmm The have the signiture skull on the side & state the motto around the rim "over min doda kropp" = "over my dead body". If your gonna look like a total pretentious ass-hole and wear sunglasses they might as well be "cool" looking ones. I think these are the ones for me. ~JOE

Monday, April 6, 2009

God, Make Up Your Mind

& No Not The Cold War Kids Songg. I have had my eyes on this tavi shirt for thee longest time!. I just don't know what to do. I have wanted it really badly ever since I read her post about it. But for like 40$$$$$ I just don't know what to do. I could buy so many different things with 40$ off ebay or something. I have like 60 clams right now but I may just buy something else cause I know the shirt will be there for a while. I dont know! What do you think?

Its an inspired drawing from YSL's Fall 08 FUTURE thinggggg & I like ittt. If you don't know what that is then I guess you should want to know. But yeah tavi the style rookie drew this and now its a shirt whiich i think is really cool. Any ways Yall have a fun on spring break while im stuck here debating on whether or not to get the shirt.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

DAYYAM GIRL (paige's first post)

sooo i got my dirty little paws on some leaked pictures from the new nike spring 09 line-up and ..
you know, i'm not one for plaid but these SB'z are sick !
these actually remind me of some SB'z that came out earlier this year that have a dark swoosh with a cream backround with plaid only in the back ..

well ch-ch-check it out .!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I recently I decided that I wanted to create a unique DIY shirt. I thought I knew what I was doing but I messed up. LOL! Well anyway, my main objective was to create a shirt that was sort of texture-y scratchy looking shirt through the use of bleach and such.

What I used:

· A dark Coloured tee-shirt of some sort that you are willing to possibly destroy (I bought mine at Michael's for 2 bucks! SCORE)

· Regular Household Bleach

· An overflowing sandwich bag filled with grass and weeds (If you don't mind ripping them out of the ground).

· Old Towel for working space/an area that bleach won’t affect.

· YOUR HANDS (Simple DIY right? Anyway let’s get back to business)

What I did:

I laid out an old towel in a safe area so that the bleach couldn't harm and dressed in some old clothes JUST IN CASE I got some on me. I put the shirt on the towel and evenly sprinkled a layer of grass all around the front side of the shirt.

Then, I got the bleach sprayer thingy and sprayed away. Their really is no technique to do so, I just sort of sprayed it in the air and let it “rain” on the shirt. After doing so, I let the shirt and grass lie there for about ten minutes and slowly took off the grass. I again let the shirt rest for a while and then I tossed it in the washer with cold water then dried it. After all that work this it how the shirt came out:

I do not intend this to be a instructional for DIY or whatever because I didn't really know what I was doing. I messed up by leaving the plastic sandwich bag ON the shirt and the corner of it is left un-bleached. I sort of like it though. Once you get past the fact that it looks like Halloween it looks nice. Anyway I just thought I'd share with you what I did on a boring Saturday Afternoon. Heres a picture of it on me. I wore it today.

diy shirt, aa cardi, blue skinnies

A few of my friends and I were supposed to hangout and I thought I'd sport my new falied attempt to DIY haha. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a ride so I am stuck here for rest of the day. I think the blog is still in the idle position but I just thought I'd post something.I guess I'll just wear this tomorrow since nobody even saw me.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Paige and I would just like to let you know that we're getting things situated. So the blog is on hold for the time being.


P.S. Aren't these shoes really intriguing?

They're of a brand entitled "CHEAPO". I have no ideawhat that is! A friend of mine has watch from this brand though, Who knows. I found a site that only carries the "pushers" like in the second picture. But for about 60 bucks a pop im not too sure if it's worth it. I personally like these shoes but all my $$$ goes to ebay so I won't be able to own a pair any time soon. Fingers Crossed I guess.